Figure 1. Comparison Between The Robot (A) And Its Inspiration -- The Real Waterstrider (B) During J (IMAGE)
Figure 1. Comparison between the robot (A) and its inspiration - the real water strider (B) during jump. The insect and the robot are not at the same scale because the aim is to focus on similarities in the dimples on the water surface created by legs of the robot (A) and the insect (B).. Although the robots themselves do not faithfully imitate the look and morphology of the real water striders, the interactions between the robot legs and the-water surface correctly reproduce the principal mechanism used by jumping insects. Therefore, the robot performance is comparable to that of the real water striders. They are the first robots that are similar to the larger water strider species in terms of body mass and jump physics as well as jumping performance. The two photos are screenshots from the video clips from Koh et al. 2015. Jumping on water: surface tension-dominated jumping of water striders and robotic insects. Science 31 July 2015, vol 349 no.6247 pp. 517-521.
Koh et al. 2015. Jumping on water: surface tension-dominated jumping of water striders and robotic insects. Science 31 July 2015, vol 349 no.6247 pp. 517-521.
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