Cecal Shapes (IMAGE)
This is an illustration of the seven cecal character states included in this study: (A) Appendix-like cecum of a common wombat (Vombatus ursinus); (B) Spiral-shaped cecum of a common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula); (C) Elongated, tapering cecum of a rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus); (D) Cylindrical cecum of a North American beaver (Castor canadensis); (E) Paired ceca (or colonic appendages) of a rock hyrax (Procavia habessinica); (F) Rounded cecum of an orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus); (G) Absent cecum in a bush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa). The cecum and appendix are oriented toward the top of each drawing, with the appendix (if present) demarcated from the cecum by a line. A cecal appendix is most frequently found in association with spiral (B) and tapering (C) and cecal shapes. Images redrawn from Stevens and Hume (1995) and Hume (1999).
Brent Adrian, Senior Research Associate, Midwestern University
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