Function and Dysfunction of the Cochlea: From Mechanisms to Potential Therapies (IMAGE)
Top left: Cochlea from a human temporal bone preparation stained with osmium tetroxide. Image shows the osseous lamina with its nerve fibers in a specimen oriented in nearly horizontal plane. Top right: A pair of tectorial membranes obtained from the cochleae of an OtoaEGFP/EGFP mouse (~3 weeks of age) stained with Alcian Blue. Bottom left: An inner hair cell in a mouse cochlear culture (prepared from a mouse at postnatal day 2) that was biolistically transfected with DNA encoding an EGFP γ-actin construct (green, GFP anti-GFP staining; red, F-actin staining with Texas Red phalloidin). Bottom right: Scanning electron micrograph of outer hair cells in the low-frequency encoding apical region of a rat cochlea (postnatal day 15).
Figures were kindly provided by Charles G. Wright, UT Southwestern Medical Center (top left), Richard J. Goodyear, University of Sussex (top right and bottom left), and Vincent Michel, Institut Pasteur (bottom right).
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