Eastern Europe's Scorcher of a Summer (IMAGE)
This graph shows European summer temperatures for 1500-2010. Statistical frequency distribution of European ([35ºN, 70ºN], [25ºW, 40ºE]) summer land temperature anomalies (ºC, relative to the 1970-1999 period) for the 1500-2010 period (vertical lines). The five warmest and coldest summers are highlighted. Grey bars represent the distribution for the 1500-2002 period, with a Gaussian fit in black. The bottom panel shows the running decadal frequency of extreme summers, defined as those with temperature above the 95th percentile of the 1500-2002 distribution. A 10-yr smoothing is applied. Dotted line shows the 95th percentile of the distribution of maximum decadal values that would be expected by random chance. This image relates to an article that appeared in the March 17, 2011, issue of Science Express, published by AAAS. The study, by Dr. Barriopedro, at University of Lisbon in Lisbon, Portugal, and colleagues was titled, "The Hot Summer of 2010: Redrawing the Temperature Record Map of Europe."
Image courtesy of <i>Science/</i>AAAS
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