On Choosing an LCROSS Impact Site (1 of 3) (IMAGE)
These are maps of measured surface and subsurface temperatures in the lunar south polar region. The outer circle on both maps is 80° south latitude. Observations were acquired between Sept. 6 and Oct. 3, 2009 as the moon approached southern summer solstice. Left: Diviner-measured daytime bolometric brightness temperatures acquired between 11.4 and 13.6 hours local time. Right: Diviner-measured nighttime bolometric brightness temperatures acquired between 21.41 and 1.66 hours local time. This image relates to an article that appeared in the Oct. 22, 2010, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The study, by Dr. David A. Paige of University of California, Los Angeles, and colleagues is titled, "Diviner Lunar Radiometer Observations of Cold Traps in the Moon's South Polar Region."
Image courtesy of <i>Science</i>/AAAS
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