Phenotype analysis of 171 alfalfa samples based on six root system architecture (RSA) traits. (IMAGE)
Phenotype analysis of 171 alfalfa samples based on six root system architecture (RSA) traits. (A) Comparison of six root traits among different improved statuses. (B, C) Box plots that display RDW and RL among different improved statuses, respectively. The mean values of the materials in different improved statuses are displayed. (D) Cluster analysis of 171 alfalfa samples based on six RSA traits. (E) Comparison of six root traits among the three clusters (groups 1–3). (F) Proportion of materials from three clusters (groups 1–3) in the landrace and cultivar. RN, root number; TRD, taproot diameter; SRD, secondary root diameter; RDW, root dry weight; RL, root length; SRP, secondary root position. Here, n represents the number of alfalfa materials in different categories.
Horticulture Research
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