New experimental model to study nerve regeneration (IMAGE)
In vivo laser axotomy of a single subbasal fiber (SBF) in an adult mouse.
A. Illustration of the laser-generated axotomy of a single SBF at the mouse corneal epithelium with the degenerating distal stump indicated by the dashed line. B. TRPM8BAC-EYFP corneal innervation in an intact cornea. The region delineated by the dotted box represents the epithelial leash where laser axotomy was performed and is magnified in (C). C. The epithelial leash was composed of five subbasal fibers. The penetration point is indicated with an asterisk, and the individual SBF selected for laser axotomy is indicated with an arrowhead. D. The SBF immediately after its laser axotomy. The red asterisk indicates the fluorescent mark. The dotted box highlights the area enlarged in (E). E. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the volume occupied by the fluorescent mark (in gray), superimposed on the original image. Scale bars: 300 μm in B and 50 μm in C-E.
íñigo-Portugués et al., 2025. UMH.
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