A single-cell transcriptomic atlas of chondrocytes in healthy human cartilage (IMAGE)
(A) UMAP visualization of the 13,363 chondrocytes from healthy human cartilage. Color represents the chondrocyte subset. (B) UMAP visualization of the expression of representative marker genes for each chondrocyte subset. (C) The heatmap of chondrocyte subset-specific genes. (D) Cell–cell communication between chondrocyte subsets was analyzed by CellChat. The width and color of the line represent the strength of cell–cell interaction and signaling source, respectively. (E) Gene ontology (GO) enrichment of RegC-specific genes. HomC, homeostatic chondrocytes; PreHTC, prehypertrophic chondrocytes; ProC, proliferate chondrocytes; HTC, hypertrophic chondrocytes; ProFC, proliferate fibrochondrocytes; preFC, prefibrochondrocytes; FC, fibrochondrocytes; RegC, regulatory chondrocytes.
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