Mean Shapley Additive Explanation (SHAP) Value Summary From Cross-Classified Random Forest Model Estimating Semaglutide Initiation Among Individuals With Obesity Without Diabetes (IMAGE)
SHAP value plots for each feature are shown, ranked by importance (mean absolute SHAP value). Each dot represents 1 individual, with their position representing their SHAP value. Color is used to indicate the specified feature characteristic. Red dots indicate those who have the listed characteristic, while blue dots indicate those who do not. For example, for the characteristic female, individuals with a red dot are female and appear predominantly to the right, indicating that they are more likely to initiate semaglutide, while those with a blue dot are male. Age is a continuous variable representing age at diagnosis (18 to 64 years) and index month ranged from June 2021 to June 2022. MSA indicates metropolitan statistical area; NEC, not elsewhere classified; PPO, preferred provider organization.
Boston University School of Public Health
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