Laptop Touch-sensitive Display (TSD) (IMAGE)
Laptop Touch-sensitive Display (TSD) as it appears during a training or test session. Response field appears on the left side of the display; the actual abscissa and ordinate of an underlying Cartesian plane is projected. The hatch marks on the abscissa and ordinate are for visual guidance only and do not correspond to numeric values. An 8 x 12 matrix, which tracks trial-by-trial progress through the game-like session, appears to the right of the response field. The consequence (indicated by a red "X" if negative, and a small poker chip if positive) on each trial appears in the next open cell immediately after the trial's end. In this example, the subject has correctly associated the taste stimulus with its designated target by touching a location in the center of the response field (coordinates of 0.5, 0.5), resulting in the immediate appearance of a large poker chip just below the 8 x 12 matrix. Counters appear below the left and right corners of the 8 x 12 matrix; left counter tracks remaining trials in the progression and right counter displays cumulative points earned (each point worth $0.01). The bar above the 8 x 12 matrix displays messages to prompt the subject to take a particular action needed in the sequence of events for a trial.
Figure 2 (and caption) from Palmer et al., Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics April 1, 2021, 377 (1) 133-145; DOI:
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