Fig. (IMAGE)
In the early phase of epidermal tissue remodeling precursor cells of adult epidermis called histoblasts proliferate only slowly (top, pink) and cells of larval epidermis should not proliferate rapidly (green). The cells that undergo programed cell death (apoptosis) interact with surrounding cells to prevent premature cell death through the activation of the EGFR/ERK signaling pathway (low and high EGFR/ERK signaling levels are indicated in dark and light colors, respectively). As the tissue remodeling progresses, histoblasts proliferate more rapidly, and the removal of larval epidermal cells has to be accelerated. During this late phase, the up-regulation of EGFR/ERK signaling in the surrounding cells of a dying cells does not occur thereby a group of cells die together. As a consequence, the removal of larval epidermal cells is accelerated.
Kevin Yuswan
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