The NpAgo system effectively suppresses HHPV-2 propagation in H. hispanica cells. (IMAGE)
A. Schematic illustration of the experiment procedure. Cultures were serially sampled every 12 h to monitor cell density (panel B), after which the samples were centrifuged and the supernatants were collected for plaque assays to determine the titer of free virus particles (panel C). The precipitated cells collected at indicated time points were subjected to total DNA extraction and Illumina sequencing to determine the ratio of intracellular viral DNA (panel D). B. The growth curve of WT or ago+/agaP+ H. hispanica cells infected (V+) or uninfected (V-) by HHPV-2. C. The titer of free virus particles released from H. hispanica cells during the growth curve.. D. The ratio of intracellular viral DNA to total DNA in infected WT or ago+/agaP+ cells.
Ming Li, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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