The fsLS-CUP system captures ultrafast image sequences of three major types of laser-induced signals in flame. (IMAGE)
The fsLS-CUP system captures ultrafast image sequences of three major types of laser-induced signals in flame. The femtosecond (fs) laser sheet excites PAHs and soot nanoparticles in the soot inception region of a hydrocarbon flames. The ultrafast camera captures the movies of laser-induced fluorescence (from PAH molecules), scattering and incandescence signals (from soot nanoparticles) with the frame interval from sub-nanosecond down to tens of picoseconds. Only three representative frames are shown here for simplicity. Full movies can be found online accompanying the published paper.
by Yogeshwar Nath Mishra, Peng Wang, Florian J. Bauer, Murthy S. Gudipati, and Lihong V. Wang
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