Bayesian inference clustering STRUCTURE analysis of 1082 individuals from 46 populations of Juglans regia. (IMAGE)
Figure caption: Bayesian inference clustering STRUCTURE analysis of 1082 individuals from 46 populations of Juglans regia. (a) The optimal K value using the delta K (ΔK) method, maximum number of populations (K), was inferred at K = 3. (b) Mean log-likelihood [Ln(K) ± SD] of the data against the number of K. (c) A Bayesian clustering of 1082 individuals of J. regia from K = 2 to K = 4. Different colors indicate different genetic groups: blue for Group 1 (G1), light blue for Group 2 (G2), and yellow for Group 3 (G3).
Jie Liu, et al.
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