Population structure and genetic diversity of blueberry accessions. (IMAGE)
Population structure and genetic diversity of blueberry accessions. A Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of 222 blueberry accessions. HHB: half-high blueberry; LB: lowbush blueberry; NHB: northern highbush blueberry; RB: rabbiteye blueberry; SHB: southern highbush blueberry. B Principal component analysis of the first two components (PC1 and PC2) for all accessions and major cultivated blueberry accessions. PC1, first principal component; PC2, second principal component. C Population structure analysis of cultivated blueberry accessions and V. darrowii given different cluster numbers (K = 2–10). The y axis quantifies subgroup membership, and the x axis shows the different accessions. The K value marked in red is the optimal K value determined based on the CV error. D Nucleotide diversity (π) and population divergence (FST value) across four cultivated blueberry subgroups (calculated from the diploid model). The values in the circles represent the nucleotide diversity (π) of the groups (brown, orange, blue, and purple circles represent the LB, SHB, NHB, and RB subgroups, respectively), and the value between each pair indicates population divergence (FST value).
Horticulture Research
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