Genetic modification of BpF5H for enhanced quality as a porous carbon resource for methyl orange absorption. (IMAGE)
Genetic modification of BpF5H for enhanced quality as a porous carbon resource for methyl orange absorption. A Schematic representation of the transformation process to generate BpF5H transgenic lines. B–E Microscopic investigation and GFP signal detection of transformed calli and regenerated shoots. Scale bar = 1.5 mm. F Expression level of BpF5H in the BpF5H overexpression (OE) lines. G Gene structure of BpF5H and genotyping of biallelic BpF5H mutants. PAM sequences are in bold. I1 and d1 represent 1-bp insertion and 1-bp deletion in the target sites, respectively. H Transcript abundance of BpF5H in the BpF5H knockout (KO) lines. I Mäule staining of stem cross-sections from the control, OE, and KO plants. Scale bar = 500 μm. J, K Lignin content and composition. L Scanning electron microscope images of porous carbon. M X-ray diffraction patterns. N N2 adsorption–desorption isotherm. O Pore size distribution of biochar. P Adsorption performance of porous carbon from the control, OE, and KO plants. Values are means ± standard error (n = 3). One-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple range test was used in F and H; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01. Letters above the error bars in J and K indicate significant differences determined by one-way ANOVA (P < 0.05, Duncan’s multiple range test). Control plants were transformed with the pEarlyGate100-eGFP empty vector. CWR, cell wall residue; ASL, acid-soluble lignin; AIL, acid-insoluble lignin.
Horticulture Research
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