The Landscape of Mississippi Delta Region from LiDAR derived Canopy Height Model (IMAGE)
LiDAR remote sensing has emerged as a powerful tool for capturing detailed terrain features and three-dimensional vegetation structures. In this figure, we focus on the Mississippi Delta region in the United States, where a 1-meter resolution vegetation canopy height model was derived from airborne LiDAR data. The landscape along the winding river exhibits a transition from flat farmland to regular plantations and natural forests. Notably, vegetation height and complexity increase gradually from the riverbanks toward both sides. While spaceborne LiDAR offers cost advantages and broader coverage, rigorous data quality verification remains essential. Leveraging airborne canopy height data, our systematic evaluation provides valuable insights into the accuracy and reliability of spaceborne canopy height data. These findings serve as a scientific reference for estimating vegetation height and carbon storage at regional and global scales.
Qin Ma, Nanjing Normal University.
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