BDS PPP-AR/PPP-RTK service system. (IMAGE)
BDS PPP-AR/PPP-RTK service system. The BDS PPP-B2b PPP-RTK service system consists of three main components: the ground reference station network, the data center, and the broadcasting system. The ground reference station network is responsible for receiving GNSS observation data and transmitting it in real-time to the data center, which utilizes these observations to generate various SSR products and sends them to the broadcasting system. The broadcasting system, in turn, uploads the SSR correction data to BDS GEO satellites through satellite data annotation stations and broadcasts it to users. At the user end, by combining GNSS satellite observation data with SSR correction data from BDS GEO satellites, real-time and precise PPP-RTK positioning can be achieved rapidly. When the atmospheric corrections are not available, the PPP-RTK turns into PPP-AR. The broadcast code and phase biases products can still be used to achieve PPP ambiguity resolution (PPP-AR), which can achieve higher precision and faster convergence than the float PPP solutions.
Satellite Navigation
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