英矽智能公布“纪录片马拉松”评选结果,讲述科研故事提升公众关注 (VIDEO) InSilico Medicine This video is under embargo. Please login to access this video. Caption 通过分享这些片段,英矽智能期待邀请世界各地的学生、电影制作人和爱好者深入了解全球首个人工智能药物的研发过程,展示人工智能驱动的药物发现过程,发挥生成式人工智能的潜力,并进一步激励从业界到大众的年轻一代加入到医疗保健领域这一革命性的事业。 Credit 英矽智能 Usage Restrictions None License Original content Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system.