Analysis of the potential biological role of LaMYC7 for P. syringae. (IMAGE)
Analysis of the potential biological role of LaMYC7 for P. syringae. A, P. syringae infection of WT, 2300, and LaMYC7-overexpressing transgenic lines for 5 d for phenotype analysis. B, C, Bacterial population at 5 d in WT, 2300 and LaMYC7-overexpressing transgenic lines (#2, #9). D, E, Antibacterial activity of linalool and caryophyllene against Pst DC3000. LB, Empty lysogeny broth; Pst DC3000, 150 μl Pst DC3000 were dissolved in lysogeny broth medium; Lin + Pst DC3000, 150 μl Pst DC3000 were dissolved in lysogeny broth medium containing 18 μl∙ml−1 linalool. Car + Pst DC3000, 150 μl Pst DC3000 were dissolved in lysogeny broth medium containing 18 μl∙ml−1 caryophyllene. The numbers displayed are the average of at least three replicates (mean ± SD). Following an ANOVA, Fisher’s LSD test revealed that bars labeled with various letters were substantially different (P < 0.05), as seen by the vertical lines at the top of each bar indicating standard errors.
Horticulture Research
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