Image 1 (IMAGE)
Figure 1. Three-dimensional polarization distribution of BaTiO3 nanoparticles revealed by atomic electron tomography.
(Left) Schematic of the electron tomography technique, which involves acquiring transmission electron microscope images at multiple tilt angles and reconstructing them into 3D atomic structures.
(Center) Experimentally determined three-dimensional polarization distribution inside a BaTiO3 nanoparticle via atomic electron tomography. A vortex-like structure is clearly visible near the bottom (blue dot).
(Right) A two-dimensional cross-section of the polarization distribution, thinly sliced at the center of the vortex, with the color and arrows together indicating the direction of the polarization. A distinct vortex structure can be observed.
Multi-Dimensional Atomic Imaging Laboratory (MDAIL) at KAIST
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