Lived experience should be centered in future mental health research, say people with mental health conditions and their families and carers in nationwide Australian survey (IMAGE)
This piece was inspired by the Alive National Centre's Annual Symposium 2024 Holistic Formations and including themes from dadirri (da-did-ee) meaning deep listening in the Ngan'gikurunggurr and Ngen'giwumirri languages of the Aboriginal peoples of the Daly River region (Northern Territory, Australia). Permission to listen with dadirri was sought from Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Foundation by the ALIVE National.
Deep listening and the colours that lie in our interconnectedness; colours only made possible by our different lived experiences. Even when we think we are isolated (blue), we are part of a larger strands and formations that make up the colourful big picture. The 'Kaleidoscope' layering of the piece hints at the presence of dimensions - nothing is as it flatly appears -- for example we can 'zoom' in and out of 'scale' to uncover new ways of seeing and doing.
Julia Palfreyman, CC-BY 4.0 (
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