The role of the pulmonary veins on left atrial flow patterns and thrombus formation (IMAGE)
Morphological descriptors of the left atria and its appendage (LAA). Top: (a) Maximal (D1ππ π‘) and minimal (D2ππ π‘) ostium diameter. (b) Ostium perimeter (po) and area (Ao), in orange and yellow, respectively. (c) LAA height (hπΏπ΄π΄), distance to the apex (hπ), bending angle (πΌπΏπ΄π΄), ostium origin (OπΏπ΄π΄), and point of mesh intersection (pπππ‘ππ). (d) LAA anterior (dπ΄), posterior (dπ) and antero-posterior (dπ΄π)distances, and centre of mass (pπππ π ). Bottom: curvature and gyrification index (GI), left and right, respectively.
Jordi Mill, Josquin Harrison, Marta Saiz-Vivo, Carlos Albors, Xabier Morales, Andy L. Olivares, Xavier Iriart, Hubert Cochet, Jerome Noailly, Maxime Sermesant & Oscar Camara.
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