Images in a woman who had a BI-RADS density of 2. (IMAGE)
Images in a woman who had a Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System density of 2 and was 57 years old when she underwent screening with the artificial intelligence (AI) system. (A) Right mediolateral oblique full-field digital mammographic view shows AI-provided marking (square). The screening received a high AI examination score of 10 based on this lesion with a score of 89 out of 100. (B) Same image as in A, but with findings by the radiologists. Because of the high AI examination score, the screening was double read by two radiologists, who marked the same lesion (oval, A1) as the AI system, which led to recall. (C) Cropped US image shows a small (4 × 7 mm) invasive carcinoma (line) that was observed during the diagnostic workup.
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
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