Algorithm test for the 3D evaluation of atmospheric lidar (ATLID) and the Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI) on EarthCARE. The synergetic algorithm "AM-COL" described by Haarig et al. 2023 combines the strengths of ATLID in vertically resolved profiles of aerosol and clouds (e.g. cloud top) with the strengths of MSI in observing the entire scene next to the satellite track and in extending the lidar information on the satellite's acquisition strip. A strong ATLID-Mie-Co-polar signal (white) indicates optically thick clouds; weaker signals (red to yellow) indicate optically thinner clouds or aerosol layers. The high clouds in the centre of the scene are detected by MSI due to their low brightness temperature (BT; blue). The high brightness temperatures (red) on the MSI swath result from the Earth surface signal, with the low-lying clouds visible in yellow.
Moritz Haarig, TROPOS;
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