Fig. 3. Equilibrium speciation of atmospheres at 2,173 K formed around an Earth-sized planet in equilibrium with a magma ocean of mass equal to that in Earth’s mantle (4.2 × 1024 kg) in the system CHONPS with abundances for the BSE as per Table. (IMAGE)
Fig. 3. Equilibrium speciation of atmospheres at 2,173 K formed around an Earth-sized planet in equilibrium with a magma ocean of mass equal to that in Earth’s mantle (4.2 × 1024 kg) in the system CHONPS with abundances for the BSE as per Table. The atmospheres are produced given solubility laws for CO, CO2, H2O, H2, N2, SO2, and S2 and their equilibrium gas speciation solved at 3 oxygen fugacities relative to the IW buffer, +3, 0, and −3. Total pressure in the atmosphere is shown below the respective pie chart.
Space: Science & Technology
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