Pulmonary Hypertension (IMAGE)
"Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai qui tu es", "You are what you eat" written the famous French Gourmet Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, in la Physiologie du goût, 1825. Rachedi et al., reveal the metabolic origin of pulmonary vascular stiffening. They propose a diet poor in glutamine (Gln) and serine (Ser) to improve lung vascular fitness and reduce progression of pulmonary hypertension. This sketch depicts a gardener tending to a tree (Lung). The gardener is shown filtering "Gln" and "Ser" from the tree's nutrients (diet), leading to lush and green foliage on one side (healthy lung). On the unfiltered side, the foliage is brown and dying from disease (pulmonary hypertension)."
Thomas Bertero Lab
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