Figure | The cooperative exciton- polariton condensate at a non-zero momentum. (IMAGE)
A schematic diagram of the full sample structure is shown, with the CsPbBr3 QDs thin film on the topmost layer and a 16 pairs DBR grown on a silicon substrate beneath it. All optical experiments are conducted in a high-vacuum closed-helium-cycle Dewar at a temperature of 10 K. For the experiments, a femtosecond laser (450 nm) with a pulse duration of 300 fs and repetition of 200 kHz is used as the pump source. The laser is focused through a 50× microscope objective (NA = 0.5) at normal incidence. The build-up process of superfluorescence is illustrated, where the band of the cooperative excitons is split up by coupling to the first Bragg mode. The observed Rabi splitting energy is approximately 21.6 meV. The CEP condensation is created, and its characteristics are identified through the evolution of the emission intensity, the energy shift, the coherence and the linewidth as a function of the pump density.
by Danqun Mao, Linqi Chen, Zheng Sun, Min Zhang, Zhe-Yu Shi, Yongsheng Hu, Long Zhang, Jian Wu, Hongxing Dong, Wei Xie, Hongxing Xu
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