Parallel random bit generation with a chaotic micro-comb. (IMAGE)
a. experimental schematic. TL, tunable laser; EDFA, erbium-doped fiber amplifier; PC, polarization controller; DEMUX, optical demultiplexer; PD, photodetector; ADC, 16-bit analog-to-digital converter; MRR, micro-ring resonator. Note, the dash box contains a microscope image of a high-index doped silica glass MRR with a radius of ~ 592.1 μm. b. Optical spectrum of the chaotic microcomb. c. Temporal waveforms of the chaotic comb-lines (parallel chaos). d. Cross-correlation function between any two channels of parallel chaos. e. XOR bitmap image between any two extracted binary sequences from parallel chaos.
by Pu Li, Qizhi Li, Wenye Tang, Weiqiang Wang, Wenfu Zhang, Brent E. Little, Sai Tek Chu, K. Alan Shore, Yuwen Qin, and Yuncai Wang
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