Comparison Picture (IMAGE)
A comparison of experimental annular dark field (ADF)-scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and electron ptychography in uncorrected and aberration-corrected electron microscopes. In the ADF-STEM image from the uncorrected STEM (top left), the resolution was
sufficient to visualize the lattice of the sample but too poor to resolve individual atoms. In contrast, the ptychographic phase image (top right) resolved individual atoms. Measurements were repeated using aberration corrected-STEM. Both the ADF-STEM (bottom left) and ptychographic phase images (bottom right) resolved single atoms. The resolution achieved with
electron ptychography in the uncorrected stem (top right) was nearly identical to the ptychographic resolution in the aberration-corrected microscope (bottom right) and readily exceeded the resolution of aberration-corrected ADF-STEM (bottom left).
The Grainger College of Engineering at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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