Polar Bear Collar Footage sample (VIDEO)
Images from polar bear collar cameras document activity
through the summer season, and inform a new research
study by USGS and Washington State University.
Polar bears exhibited a wide range of behavioral responses
while on land from resting 98% of the time to travelling up
to 330 km (205 miles) over 3 weeks and spending up to 40%
of their time foraging on berries.
Ultimately, all the bears, except one individual who found a
marine mammal carcass on land, lost about 1 kg (2.2 lbs) per
day on average, which highlights that none of these behavior
strategies were beneficial for extending the period in which
polar bears can survive on land.
U.S. Geological Survey and Washington State University
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For use only with stories associated with this press release. Note: there is a more video available upon request
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