LSH1/LSH2 are required to make nodules an infectable and habitable organ for rhizobial bacteria (IMAGE)
LSH1/LSH2 are required to make nodules an infectable and habitable organ for rhizobial bacteria: Confocal image of WT and lsh1/lsh2 roots 24 and 72 hpi with S. meliloti (n > 30 per genotype and time point). The root was spot-inoculated with Sm2011 imaged at 72 hpi. Sm2011-mCherry bacteria in red, cell walls in white (fluorescent brightener), and EdU-labeled nuclei indicating DNA replication in green. Reference: Lee et al, Current Biology (2024).
Image by Katharina Schiessl. Originally published in Lee et al, Current Biology (2024)
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