Membrane invagination induced by Atg8-E1-E2-E3 (IMAGE)
- Autophagosomes are formed by membrane expansion and invagination, during which intracellular proteins, organelles, etc. are sequestered into autophagosomes. The sequestered materials are degraded upon fusion of autophagosomes with lysosomes/vacuoles.
- Lipidated Atg8, which is abundant in isolation membranes, is formed by Atg7 (E1), Atg3 (E2), and Atg12-Atg5-Atg16 complex (E3). This enzymatic reaction is called the lipidation reaction.
- When Atg8 lipidation reaction is performed on a prolate-shaped unilamellar membrane, the membrane morphology changes from a prolate shape to a spherical shape with in-bud.
(Scale bar: 5 micrometers)
Nobuo Noda
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