Schematic illustration of the force measurement system and the bio-appropriating probe (BAP) to obtain rowing leg force of water strider (IMAGE)
(a) The system consisted of six parts as follows: (1) a force transducer; (2) a BAP; (3) a fixture; (4) a high-speed camera; (5) a pool; and (6) a data acquisition system. (b) Photo of the BAP. (c) Schematic illustration of the BAP. The base of the L-shape appropriated part of the femur of the water strider’s leg. (d) The BAP can repel water and it is not caught by the meniscus when the water surface is close to the BAP. (e) If the BAP is not used, the probe is caught by the meniscus.
Kaoru Uesugi, Osaka University, Global Center for Medical Engineering and Informatics
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