Examples of archaeological artifacts and features on the Moon (IMAGE)
a) Crater formed by impact of USA’s Ranger 6 lunar probe in 1964 (b) USA’s Apollo 13 Saturn IVB upper stage impact site from 1970; (c) Israel’s Beresheet Moon lander crash site from soft landing in 2019; (d) China’s Chang’e 4 lunar lander, launched in 2018; (e) Photograph and partial footprint left behind by astronaut Charles Duke during USA’s Apollo 16 mission in 1972; (f) USA’s Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiments Package site in 1972 showing the Lunar Surface Gravimeter in the foreground and the lunar module in the far background; (g) USA’s NASA Surveyor 3 probe that landed in 1967 and footprints from Apollo 13 which occurred over 3 years later, resulting in the recovery of some probe components; (h) Tracks of Russia’s Lunokhod 2 rover deployed during the 1973 Luna 21 mission.
Holcomb et al
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