Figure 1. (IMAGE)
After converting Gene expression profile, DNA methylation profile, SNP profile into line of the subject participants’ square through linear kernelization to each, extract the subject pattern through tensor decompositions, and by selecting genes, DNA methylation sites, SNPs which synchronize with the patterns, we can select through the data-driven method without external information. Since many of the genes and DNA methylation sites are being targeted by transcription factors, and those transcription factors’ parts binding to DNA were statistically and significantly overlapped with SNP, integrated analysis of multiomics data can be said to be successful. In addition, considering the fact that transcription factors are related to disease, multiomics data plus tensor decompositions is a method of analysis which is expected to make future disease predictable (pre-symptomatic state).
Y-h. Taguchi, Shohei Komaki, Yoichi Sutoh, Hideki Ohmomo, Yayoi Otsuka-Yamasaki, Atsushi Shimizu
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